Just back from Cambodia / by Harriet Dedman

Fresh from a photographic tour of southern Cambodia, I'm now back in Hong Kong's fierce July heat, awaiting the onslaught of Typhoon Rammasun. With a flight to Chicago booked for the morning, I'm hoping I can just squeeze out before the wild winds ensue. 

I've spent the last 5 days scootering around on the coastal roads of Kep and Kampot, over dusty tracks and into hidden monasteries, schools and villages. A far cry from the maddening Disney-fied tourisma of Siem Reap.

Under the tutelage of formidable photographer, Gary Tyson, we have spent happy, happy hours knee-deep in mud in the Kampot Salt Flats (it's rainy season), chatting with monks (sporting surprisingly ubiquitous i-pods), giggling with young whipper-snappers, and clambering over precarious bamboo poles winding into floating water-side homes. 

Now armed with my gleaming AFS 50mm, f/1.4 lense, I have a new penchant for portraits. 

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